Monday, March 26, 2007


The Democrats Debate Healthcare

Alternet and Roger Hickey of the Campaign for America's Future have good write ups about the recent "health-care" debate in Vegas between most of the declared Democratic candidates.
Notable notes:

-Obama was woefully unprepared and was hurt by his vagueness.
-Clinton seemed to impress the crowd by recounting her battle stories around health care during her husband's first term and her promise of introducing legislation that would outlaw discrimination by insurance companies against patients with pre-existing conditions. Nice point about with the use genetic mapping, soon insurance companies could decline coverage based on possible future complications.
-Edwards had the most facts and details on hand as he is the only candidate to actually have a health care plan
-Kucinich made a good point about the problems the power of the insurance industry could cause, cherry picking out the young, healthy and wealthy while leaving the underclass on a national medical plan. Only Kucinich tried to deal with this throny issue.


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