Wednesday, March 14, 2007



I knew as soon as I said something nice about Speaker Pelosi I would find something that would make me sick.

"Yesterday, at a conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Ms. Pelosi endorsed toughening American sanctions on Iran by stripping the executive branch of the power to waive the sanctions."

I don't think Pelosi plans to support a war with Iran, her bloodcurdling rhetoric to AIPAC aside. She is just pandering to one of the most powerful and best financed lobbies in the US. Having AIPAC be the official decider on what should be our position towards the Middle East would be like having William Kristol and John Bolton decide what the news media and political elite in France should think about the United States.

AIPAC is hard core far right Likud. They would love for us to go to war with Iran. If Pelosi decided to repeat to comments of what a left-wing Labor Party member(or god-forbid Peace Now) of the Knesset said about settlers for example, they would drop a storm on her that would make Jimmy Carter shake. Its time to stop pandering to AIPAC. They are not the exclusive representative for the Israeli people, they are neo-cons and deserve to driven from the halls of Washington along with the Weekly Standard and the Project for the New American Century. Our elected officials need to stop letting them dictate our policy toward the region. Palestine is the number one reason the Arab world is upset with the US. Whoever the next President is will need to actively engage the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and play neutral mediator like President Eisenhower and Carter did; not sub-contract out out our foreign policy to the Israeli far right.

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